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Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver

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Apples Of Gold In Pictures Of Silver

Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver ’22

Date: May 29, 2019

Apples of Gold in Pictures of SilverDavid Freund, Chief Leadership Officer

Consider for a moment this proverb: A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Are you able to craft that mental image? A beautiful picture of an apple shining with brilliant golden hues surrounded by silver leaves and branches on a sea of mat black. The apple almost jumps off the page at you. The apple is the undeniable focal point of the picture, and yet it isnt brash or obnoxious. Its delicate, welcoming, profound, and draws you inalmost as if you are part of the picture itself.

As leaders, our communication can be the same. The main points should be made in such a way that they stand out but are not brash or obnoxious. Our communications should draw the listener in with a welcoming style. It should be unmistakable to them that we are inviting them in and value them as a participant. We are not communicating to them, we are communicating with them.

If you would like to learn more about effective communication, please join Marisa and me for Episode 102 of The Next Page as we discuss how to be an effective communicator.

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Mix Faith With The Promises Of Jesus

Not by might, not by power, but by my Holy Spirit says the lord Jesus Christ. Jesus says, you are in good shape! Move out of the will of your heavenly father and it can take years to bring you back to your place. Hebrews chapters 3+4.

Gods people in the old covenant did not enter into his rest because of unbelief! In the new covenant rest is offered, but few receive it, or enter into it, because of unbelief.

Unbelief takes you the long way round forty years in the wilderness untill their carcasses rotted. Believing in the promises, you enter his rest stand still, soldier, and see the Salvation of your God, manifest today. Its all by faith in the promises.

King David said, even though all things are not right with my house, you have made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered and sure in all things which is all my salvation, all my hope and all my desire I believe it by faith, and experience the rest of heaven.

Read your Bible, pray every day, and you will grow because He has made with you, an everlasting covenant.

Unbelief, will kill the promises dead!

Araldite comes in two tubes mix the hardner with the glue otherwise you have a stickie mess! Mix faith with the promises in the book! Faith comes from reading the book. Mix your faith with the promise, and the promise is rock sure, even if your circumstances say otherwise. Its not by sight, its by faith. Hallelujah!

Jesus give you the beauty you do not deserve, have not earned, and are not worthy of.


What Does An Apple Of Gold In A Picture Of Silver Represent In Proverbs Of Solomon

The short article “Like Apples of Gold” the Watchtower of January 15, 1994, puts it simply:

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I learned that the setting = an urn or vessel as well. I saw it as a pitcher filled with the juice of an apple refreshing and wholesome and helpful. As when we are dehydrated from overwork and need to have a cool refreshing drink. it is then most well received and considered a gift. I use this verse in connection with giving encouragement to others during difficult times. As to the aptly spoken. Isn’t timing always important?

The NKJV and NIV have “settings” of silver, calling to mind a piece of jewelry. The setting holds the gem in place, so it won’t fall out and get lost. The apple of Gold is the wise teaching, ruling, decision. Because it was fitly spoken – delivered at the right time in a sensitive and appropriate way to one ready to receive it – it becomes set – appropriated into the recipient’s store of knowledge, treasured and kept for future use, not tossed aside or forgotten.

After further digging, it seems I am way off. After looking here:

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Breaking Down The Key Parts Of Proverbs 2: 11

#1 Like apples of gold in settings of silver This may refer to delicious apples of the golden variety on a beautiful piece of silver flatware, or a beautiful gold ornamental apple set in silver. Either way, it is meant to be seen as a good thing.

#2 is a ruling rightly given. In our fallen state, the temptation to withhold justice for our own personal gain is always present. Whether applied to an individual in daily matters, or a ruling authority in official matters, the principle of justice is as unyielding as the perfection of God. Therefore, God loves a righteous ruling.

Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver

Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver by UniquelyCraftedCards

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver.

Ed Young Sr., using this verse as the text for a daily devotion, writes the following:

In ancient times, when an oriental king gave a banquet and wanted to show how rich he was, he would take apples and cover them with gold, place them in silver baskets, and distribute them to his guests. Take a golden apple with you, he said, and these golden apples became prized possessions.

Since the text verse is part of a chapter that begins with the words These also are proverbs of Solomon, we might assume that King Solomon knew all about this kingly custom. Perhaps he even practiced it himself. If that was indeed the case, it would explain why he used the custom as an illustration of the wonder and beauty of a word fitly spoken.

I do appreciate the fact that Solomon doesnt attach a precise definition to the phrase a word fitly spoken. I say that because such a word can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. For example, one translation translates the phrase as a ruling rightly given. Another translates it as timely advice. Others translate it as a word spoken at the right time or a word spoken in right circumstances.

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Proverbs 2: 11 Context

8Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame. 9Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself and discover not a secret to another: 10Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away. 11A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.12As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear. 13As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters. 14Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.

Apples Of Gold Settings Of Silver And Barrick Gold

An ancient proverbBarrick Gold

“I happen to be very optimistic right now about gold prices,” Peter Munk, Barrick’s chairman, told Reuters in a telephone interview from his home in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday. Looking at the chart below compliments of one would have to agree with Mr. Munk.

Gold Equities VS Gold â Weekly Chart

Settings of Silver

Our sources tell us that the stage is already set for an explosive rally in silver to commence in the months ahead. Jason Hamlin at recently put the shine on silver’s amazing potential from here.

Hamlin’s article quoted from two “heavy-weights” in the precious metals and silver divisions.

James Turkreports on the extraordinary amount of stress in the silver market, saying:

No one is stepping in to sell physical silver in exchange for future delivery, so there is only one possible conclusion. There is not sufficient physical silver available at current prices to meet demand. So unless the shorts can somehow come up with the physical silver they need to meet their obligations to deliver and thereby relieve the backwardation, the price of silver needs to climb higher. It needs to rise high enough to induce holders of physical silver to sell their metal, which the shorts need to buy to meet their obligations to deliver.

Ted Butler also wrote an article a few days ago suggesting that it was “crunch time for silver”. Hamlin writes:

Disclosure: Long SLV, SSRI, SLW.

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Explanation And Commentary Of Proverbs 2: 11

There are many scholarly opinions on what the first part of this verse means. Is it a literal gold apple set in silver framing, and ornament, or is it the golden variety of apple on a silver plate? While there is no way to know for sure, it is meant to be seen as something exceedingly good as an analogy for a ruling rightly given. God loves justice. He is perfect in his own justice, which is why for him to forgive sinners required the blood of his perfect Son to pay for the imputed righteousness of those who would repent and believe. Being justice personified, God hates injustice, and he loves justice, especially in a ruler, who of all people, has the power to be unjust, and the position to be seen as representing the Creator.

A ruling rightly given is a right ruling where what is right prevails, given in the right way. Too often the powerless are at a great disadvantage in the courts because they have not the influence or the advocacy to receive justice. God hates it when the powerful treat the powerless unjustly, and he will not let them get away with it for eternity. God does not approve of favor to the poor simply because they are poor, any more than favor to the rich for being rich . He simply loves what is right.

For the human, it is important to be just, as our Heavenly Father is just. It is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

Jesus I Could Do With Another Pillow

Apple of Gold In The Settings of Silver (Proverbs 25:11, 18-20) Mission Blessings

When staying with a friend in Bulgaria I asked the next morning for another pillow. I like two pillows when sleeping. There was only one pillow on the bed. I did pray that Jesus would give me another pillow. I awoke the next morning to be told that there was another pillow just an arms length away. What I required, another pillow, was within arms reach! I learned that night that Jesus gives what we request. We reach out in fath. Even though the darkness may try to hide it. Hallelujah!

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Other Translations For Proverbs 2: 11

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of siluer.– King James Version View 1611 Bible Scan apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances.– New American Standard Version A word fitly spoken Is `like’ apples of gold in network of silver.– American Standard Version A word at the right time is like apples of gold in a network of silver.– Basic English Bible apples of gold in pictures of silver, is a word spoken in season.– Darby BibleA word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. – Webster’s BibleA word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.– World English BibleApples of gold in imagery of silver, the word spoken at its fit times.– Youngs Literal Bible A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.– Jewish Publication Society Bible

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